In efficiency, obviously
but less of a limbic innervation.
we are lost because the way in which we communicate changed during our lifetime,
one of the few examples ever!
we must not be ashamed of this
but we must be demoralized.
forms of communication, of abstraction are engrained at a young age.
verbal communication is the most obvious, that is how we were grown! on biological, verbal, physical interaction and now, in this day, in that of internet-typing-chatting we cannot and will never be able to derive the same affection from it as will the generation who, right now is no longer toddlers. similar to the reason music is the most emotionally provocative form of art: it is the most ancient, the most readily stimulating of our limbic system (probably responsible for emoottioonns and more ancient part of brain), the most intensely wired abstraction (sound). espeeeciallllyyy music with words. in effect, it may be possible for some that wernicke's area is used in music comprehension.
my point is that my generation has the inability to derive emotion, closeness etc. reality from electronics. we are biologic organisms living in a technologic age. sad. well not sad, just not happy. but we can take pride in being the last biologic humans ever, the last unable to derive the same emotions from reality from non-reality, just like the 17-year-old cavemen when writing became a novel abstraction from speaking. we drink heavily because it allows us to forget about Facebook, and return to our childish selves. the fact is we have to. we literally do. we must drink to feel the same emotional productivity as other generations because we are fucked by technology. the coming generations will not be fucked like we are. they will be fine, but it is those in transition, us. maybe quantity will make up for quality. maybe if we interact enough we won't have to worry about quality
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