Thursday, March 29, 2012


This is not bragging, its something to think about:
People say I take risks.
I don't.
When I was young,
while others were reading,
I was developing skill.
I've never broken a bone,
never been in trouble,
I'm just really fucking skilled.
Anyone who thinks I take risks
Must have read to much as a child.

Sheltered kids live sheltered lives.
Reading kids live abstract lives.
Upbringing, upbringing is everything.


In efficiency, obviously
but less of a limbic innervation.
we are lost because the way in which we communicate changed during our lifetime,
one of the few examples ever!
we must not be ashamed of this
but we must be demoralized.
forms of communication, of abstraction are engrained at a young age.
verbal communication is the most obvious, that is how we were grown! on biological, verbal, physical interaction and now, in this day, in that of internet-typing-chatting we cannot and will never be able to derive the same affection from it as will the generation who, right now is no longer toddlers. similar to the reason music is the most emotionally provocative form of art: it is the most ancient, the most readily stimulating of our limbic system (probably responsible for emoottioonns and more ancient part of brain), the most intensely wired abstraction (sound). espeeeciallllyyy music with words. in effect, it may be possible for some that wernicke's area is used in music comprehension.
my point is that my generation has the inability to derive emotion, closeness etc. reality from electronics. we are biologic organisms living in a technologic age. sad. well not sad, just not happy. but we can take pride in being the last biologic humans ever, the last unable to derive the same emotions from reality from non-reality, just like the 17-year-old cavemen when writing became a novel abstraction from speaking. we drink heavily because it allows us to forget about Facebook, and return to our childish selves. the fact is we have to. we literally do. we must drink to feel the same emotional productivity as other generations because we are fucked by technology. the coming generations will not be fucked like we are. they will be fine, but it is those in transition, us. maybe quantity will make up for quality. maybe if we interact enough we won't have to worry about quality

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Look, K.

I may keep you under wraps
and I may never fully find you
as far as love is.
But far as love strains on those
sunny days
and as far as it rays on those
Best days
I'm sure one moment
of your life you felt
how I do know, about me.

We could have had it all.
We still,
oh imagine us still!
Could have it all.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Isn't this quite silly you,
you reading this blog?
Isn't it silly that the writer's you YOU
consider writers,
you've only read a miniscule fraction of
their words, and developed an opinion
from that
and an opinion about me
Young Stein,
carry me home
Young Stein,
you've happied me, for sure
and more


if you have
this far into this "blog"
text me now
saying "i see"
cowardice will fall,,,
and you question why
I push you away LOL

I'm sorry and red that anyone had to see this.


Dear You,

When we recently went to the pondside
and you told me you had never watched
I gaged. 
I thought only how this reinvents the idea
that you live only by literature.
"I have never watched porn
you said"
but I've read a whole deal about it
and I'm sure I wouldn't like it.
You said: "The way that it exploits
the woman,,,its ridiculous!"
"It's ridiculous!" I said, you missed the humour
because you literally don't understand.
You literally don't wish tumolt upon yourself
you literally don't find fine in physics 
and oh girl I cannot seem to find the reason
I loved you so
you should know.


Have you been?
                               Put aside by a thought?
Put aside by one who cherishes though?
Once I went to a store,
the clerk said:
"Have you heard of these mood rings?
everyone your age has one."
Unaware of though itself I bought a mood ring.
It was the worst decision of my life.


The pier translucent "Ball" glass sits menacingly on a blunt IKEA chair infront of me. It holds 100 IBUs per something but at this point it doesn't matter, my adolescent yearning for quality has pulled out with the going March air. The beer though is unarguable good. We planned well but now it sits as stagnant as eastern mudflats. The tele'vision' runs mute. Commercials are funnier mute, they make less sense. For a moment I wonder the intricacies of "Leah F.'s" review of the "Procera AVH" but then remember that the only Leah I know, I would never even momentarily consider her review of anything valid and I pass. The commercial now, definitely an infomercial, is still playing and it fails visually. It plays like an early videogame. I've never wondered before whether others realize whats happening. Dr. Dr. MD. says here that Provera addresses three major causes of mental 'decline'.
I am biologically based, it think. I find attract in realizm and truth in empiricism. Those with me must be attuned quickly to the transition taking place right now. Many years ago a funny "obvious" change took place where humans found religion comedic. The axiom that God created was broken and all assumptions lost. Those who still follow this lost axiom of human obviousness are now deemed silly but in our days "new" questions have arose. We are now in transition from biology to technology. I as a liver  (lol) [[lololol]] have problems with the human transition from biology to circuits because it seems to compromise the definition of human itself. Language is what separated us from chimps and bonobos and now the media is changing. Media is an overlooked term in human existence. Since the first caveman translating speech into writing no media change has occurred as significant as that which we may observed. Everything is now circuits. We assume that Facebook is not tampering with our information. We assume they have databases and servers. We assume the servers are of the highest quality. We assume that the programmers understand physics. We assume that silicon transfers energy in the behavior they describe because if not, if it transmits it differently at a high rate, Tatiana is in a relationship with David and biology is shot. Look, I'm not wasted. IBUs have not gotten to me. Creativity is in the plunge and I sit on the edge of a lake ironically. The "Ball" jar is still half-full the mute-infomercials are still funny. The air is warm and comforting but my world is tennuable, stepply.
Unlost, college awaits only the idiotic soul.

61. profile:
Looking for empirical girl
interested in quality,
preferably biology major.
Hopefully very apt at
empathizing with birds
and anything thus trite.
Willing to find character
in anything tangible
and anything poppy.
Ready to admit the irony
when satire is flung. 
Okay with 
and green
tangent flags.
Ready, as Hemingway so mortally was
to seek refuge in sense.
This is not a poem.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


white of a National Geographic 
would be how
I would say your face was,

For that moment I remember.

I mention "bat" specifically because
it was against a 
but I mention "specifically" because
no one besides 
us would fully understand
how black that ground actually was (
with dull smoke rising in the distance)

My used-Nissan headlights were dull that night
(as they bore fully into the melanin of your body)
and back into the retina of mine. I remember few freckles,
even though you have many:
(I know now).
Since, We have faded. We have faded. We have faded.

Into true tracks for each
your's by generational means 
of illusion
and mine by generational means 
of allusion.
One day, I will discover.
You never will.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Never has anyone,
just themselves,
told me silly for hiding under my blanket every night.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I was 1 in '92
8 in '99 and
20 in 20-12.

We were the first to find
and last to have a childhood.

"He is the leader of the class"
my kindergarten teacher once
told my mom,
"Everyone loves him."

In theory I am not a leader,
and never will be.
Leaders lead by touch
and by breath.
As unlost as my generation now is
( )?

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Bleak in our face
by Dionysis said far gone,
gone beyond
but we pursue.

We follow brags of brags of kings.
Fish forever,
from streams of iron
from streams of pois.

poisson du leu
poisson de leu
poisson et cheval
hahah gone for communes
lack points to find
I've finally lost myself.




Beened throughest thened fall times
Havingness disintegrations for my mote
I waitingness vote you outer than any before
and waitly findning rationsing at the door

fifty five waiting 4 12 at the clock '
dailylight savings at my mock
ive been sheened fully through
shes never sheed through to you
but 4 12 on the clock theres no end
that shee'l stop.
and retort there will be
bout kony 12 you see
and weakness ill get
through weakness ill get
through weakness ill get
ive been given weight bet
you don't seem much to see
the full burden on me
ripping through towards the light
ripping through towards the slight
of my life you will be
till you fault none but thee.


Have been weary
of her leary
and been keen for shaut-mean

theres a keel that says
go for though greatest
dictates been

words then then
fall been use
no more than than
show me meaning in thy life show mean meaning in they strife show me meaning in thy battle for what thou thinks battle be bourne by. We've been doing this for ages and by few we've engaged by fight we fall splinter by words we deminter emotes full of full truth and by tones full of full prute we have fallen all a shit, and i fight for our shit, but by brown full and right we think pulse all the night and you grant us no grace, only bleak in our face.


And of complacencies nature
run through the first drive
wait of weakness demise
find blantness finds bleakness

theres a weakness to you that ive never heard
a sheen to the gait which then says youve
then stood
a find line of tweet no tweet non then told
i fear then then
said be then
said then then

have you felt death been put
then put death
then then shown
fear then death put forth teared then
forth shown then thou told.

Hear then,
girl forth been
there lies none
then more passed,
youve been seen
then more passed
then more torn
then more rassed

be ware of crit
be ware tear
be ware pit
be wear sheen

if thou see more than seen
thou see more
than thou mean.

Monday, March 5, 2012


And as humans, language is our working definition. There are few that know Java and are in control of everything now. Interaction is changing. Changing for the first time since one wrote cave paintings and everyone is seemingly unaware. Expression of opinion and of understanding, now translated twice through screen. An abstraction like this again has not occurred since the first man successfully and eternally communicated thought deep in a French cave. Some say all other arts are trying to be music. Evolutionarily sound is the most ancient of communication techniques after seeing something happen. It is the most rooted in our Limbic, most easily translated into emotion discounting seeing something of emotional relevance occur. After music came writing which is normally next as potent, photography and painting attempted to replicate visual experience. We can see the emotional deterioration by comparing the emotional experience between being somewhere and seeing a picture of somewhere. This same level of emotional deterioration I expect to result from the deterioration of human interaction. Interaction through screen, through Java will be less. The smartest of our breed will get the most out of this new medium because they are the best at abstraction, the smartest always have been. Everyone will then follow. Space is no longer relevant. Nor is time. It should be. We haven't yet passed biology, but maybe my younger cousins have, that's how fragile this situation is right now. Stop and think for a moment about our time yourself. You are alive for questionably the most revolutionary time in Human existence: by the definition of life, the death of life.


Halfly aware
of harpsichords rule nowadays:
we built pianos to avoid this travesty.

Have you seen the Black River?
The loungingly beeswaxy
waters rushing gold through rapids.

On the hillside a cameraman is feeding
sloths honeysickles and laughing alone.
He will die young.

"Gather around kids! I'm going to show you the Black River!"
At night finds an automatic giggle
and talks herself into the covers.